Paola Di Stefano

The chairman is the representative of AISU. The Chair is responsible for the overall coordination of the group, the agenda and the organisation of general assemblies (GAs) and board meetings.
Sophie Schut

The Secretary is the point of communication with the National Secretariat of Amnesty (AINL) and the right hand of the chair in external communication and representation. The Secretary keeps the database and contact information of AISU’s members up to date and contacts AINL in any membership change. The Secretary is also responsible of taking and distributing notes from the general assemblies and board meetings.
Jennie Phurong Overbeek

The vice-chair is a new position of the AISU board. The VC ensures that all tasks of the board, as well as in the committees are being completed, and aids in any present gaps. The VC takes a large role in helping to shape the community, social action and atmosphere of AISU.
Diana Elisa Crucitti

The PR-Officer is responsible for the Public Relations. This means the PR-Officer takes care of the promotion of all AISU events, makes sure the website is up to date and monitors all social media.
Bianca-Andreea Vintila

The Treasurer is in charge of finances and sees to it that the group’s finances are healthy. The Treasurer also processes financial declarations made by AISU or its members. At the end of each year (in December) the Treasurer writes an annual financial report to the National Secretariat.